Thursday, June 25, 2009

Introductions Please....LOL

Welcome to the world of firesong. A ret pally who likes to cut up and have fun. I've been playing WOW for almost six months and have become addicted...well not so addicted that I'd have to join a twelve step program, but close. Being truthful when I first started playing I rolled Alliance, that was intill a friend of mine informed me that Horde was the only way to go. So I deleted my character, switched over to the horde and never looked back, and in Feburary of 2009 Firesong, the Blood Elf Paladin was created.
A lot of people like to say that leveling sucks, but I had an awesome time leveling due to the fact that I leveled with my husbands character Amorgan. If there is one bit of wisdom that I can pass on it would to be to have a leveling partner, it makes things go by so much faster and also to get into a good leveling guild. I was lucky to get into a great guild that helped me and my husband level. Id Sap That was a great guild with awesome people in it they helped make the long track to 80 go by quickly. Unfortunately upon reaching 80 I realized I needed to find a guild that did more raiding and heroics so myself and my husband joined the guild Honor and Glory. I have nothing but great things to say about this guild and the people in it.
My first time in a heroic was comical, to say the I admit to being a total noob, but after awhile I started getting familiar with them and was able to slowly but surely pick up better gear....although I rocked the pvp shoulders up intill a couple of weeks ago. So that's where I am now, constantly trying to better my gear, and raise my dps up. Also I am building my tank set for my offspec (tried healing for a short time and realized it wasn't for me...but I have a greater respect for healers now because of it). I also have a greater respect for tanks now that I have tanked my first heroic. I am happy to report that a couple of days ago I was able to tank Heroic Nexus with only one wipe, and it was my fault because I didn't position the last boss correctly...opps my bad, but I'm still learning and I know I will get better at it. So thats pretty much me in a nut shell.
Rereading this I realized I used the words awesome, and great alot...I apologize for that, Its Peace out everybody!