Saturday, November 21, 2009

Signs of WOW withdraw

Ok so I've been away from WOW for about 2months now give or take a few days and slowly but surely I'm noticing some tell tell signs that I'm having withdraw:

Sign #1: I keep looking for the wow shortcut on my computer even though I know its no longer there

Sign #2: Some days I feel like I have a big hunter's mark over my head...hehe

Sign #3: I have totally forgotten all the situations in which it is ok to bubble

Sign #4: Shystechris looks like a tauren now instead of a blood elf...hehe..that makes me giggle =)

Sign #5: The other day it took me like two minutes to remember what my toons names were, even funnier firesong was the one I got hung up on.....sooooooo sad

etc etc etc....needless to say I miss wow, but only 2 more months and Amorgan and I will be back. Shitty gear and all lol. I hope that everyone in Sated is doing well. Take care all, now If you will excuse me I need to go play Yoville on Facebook....I know its pitiful but its all I got lol. Peace out Everyone.


  1. Hey hey Fire.

    About #3 - it's alright to forget, because anytime is a good time to bubble! Rogue pops up behind you? Bubble! Mage poly-s you? Bubble! Tanking Anub and feel like testing whether your raid members are paying attention? Bubble!

    - Ryiana

  2. LOL....thank you for that, I can tell I'm going to need a crash course in wow when I come back...hehehe

  3. Facebook games??? I'm crying inside. Hope you guys are doing well down there in Miz-zur-uh. And don't worry about having to catch up gear-wise... Whoapaw got himself a warrior tank, and we're wiping so much, no one's getting any gear :)

  4. I know its sad that I've been reduced to Facebook games lol it makes me want to cry to. Tell Whoa that I wish him lots of luck on the tanking.

  5. I DE'd all of Hazl's gear the other night...he's now playing on his hunter.

    Miss you guys though (even Morgan's dying-all-the-time rogue ass).

    Can't wait till you guys are back! But hope everything's good in the meantime =)
