Tonight I made the decision to leave Honor and Glory, it wasn't the easiest decision due to the fact that I wouldn't have most of the gear I have if it wasn't for them plus I made a lot of friends in that guild. My main reason for going was Amorgan. As stated in older post we have been partners in crime since lvl one and even though I'm loyal to any guild I am in, my main loyalty is to him not only because he is my husband but because he is my wow partner, if not for him I would of never started playing wow. Amorgan had his own reason's for leaving none of which I'm going to get in to because that is his business.
Both Amorgan and I decided to join the guild Deathgrip, they are like a second family to us and we get along really good with most of their players so it was a no brainer that, that is where we would go. Unfortunately our joining them brought about a lot of anger from the guild master of Honor and Glory and lines where drawn and eventually crossed. Which is not at all what amorgan or I wanted. I thought I had left H&G under good terms, so I was surprised when retaliation followed. All I can say is even after all that I harbor no hard feelings towards anyone. WoW is and always will be just a game for me, I started playing to have fun and that is all and I can tell I will have loads of laughs in Deathgrip which in the end I value more then t8 gear.
So here is to Deathgrip and the good times to follow.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
The WOMAN behind Firesong!!
When I first started playing WoW I just assumed that all female toons were played by actual females but I have found that this is not always the case. But there has been some funny speculation going on in the Honor and Glory vent that they need confirmation of my gender, and since my mic doesn't work at the moment I decided to give a little info on the real life woman that plays firesong.
My real name is Jill, I'm 5 foot 4 (just barely) inches with black/brown curly hair and green eyes and I live in Tennesse, my husband is in the army and I am the proud parent of a 3 year old girl who is the light of my life. I'm 26 but according to most people who know me I don't look it and I don't sound like it. I am really easy going and can usually get along with anyone. Love to laugh and make jokes...some of which can be a little dirty but that's just my sense of humor. Lets see what else to say, my favorite color is red, I dislike spiders and snakes with a passion, and my favorite food is chinese. Well that's just a little info on me if you want to know anything else just let me know. LOL
My real name is Jill, I'm 5 foot 4 (just barely) inches with black/brown curly hair and green eyes and I live in Tennesse, my husband is in the army and I am the proud parent of a 3 year old girl who is the light of my life. I'm 26 but according to most people who know me I don't look it and I don't sound like it. I am really easy going and can usually get along with anyone. Love to laugh and make jokes...some of which can be a little dirty but that's just my sense of humor. Lets see what else to say, my favorite color is red, I dislike spiders and snakes with a passion, and my favorite food is chinese. Well that's just a little info on me if you want to know anything else just let me know. LOL
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Flashback: Partners in crime from level 1

One of the things I have enjoyed the most about playing WoW is being able to lvl along side my partner in crime and husband Amorgan. If it wasn't for him I probably would of never started playing or made it to 80 for that matter. I am a firm believer in a lvling partner. If you can find someone that you get along with and that is motivated the same way you are then getting to 80 is a breeze. Having someone to quest with is just awesome it makes it go so much faster and it can be funny as hell. I am happy with my 80 paladin but I do miss the days of lvling. I know what your thinking, "Fire you are CRAZY" and you'd be right lol, although I prefer the term, quirky!!! On another note, I so totally rocked that murloc suit better then amorgan Bwahahahaha.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Sitting on the bench
For anyone who doesn't already know, on thursday morning I was rushed to the hospital with very severe medical issues and ended up having to have emergancy surgery to correct the issue. It was touch and go and I lost a lot of blood but I made it through surgery and am now on the long road of recovery. Because of this, I will have to scale way back on my raiding and WoW time in general, I feel really bad having to do this but I know that its something that has to be done to ensure a fast and healthy recovery for me. So I just want to say good luck to all those who will be raiding as usually and I hope that you all get some excellent drops. I will hopefully be able to starting raiding full time again in mid august but intill then I will be cheerleading from the side lines. GO HONOR & GLORY!!!!!!!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Buffing 101
I don't know how many times I've heard this, "Theres so many pally's and I only have one buff blah, blah, blah."
Yes I understand that buffing is an important part of every raid, heroic, what not. Thats why I make it a point to say in every group I'm in where there is more then one pally that I give Blessing of Might. It is the one buff that I use at all times so I naturally am usually the one giving it out to others. What annoys me more then anything though, is when I'm in a group with more then four pallys and not everyone is getting all the buffs. Granted I usually only give might to melee cause I have yet to come across a caster who screams out for might, if they ever did I surely would give it to them after I got over the shock. But for people to not be handing out Blessings of Kings is just crazy. That is one buff that anyone can benefit from, and yet it is the one that seems to be missing on at least a handful of people. Also I have a HUGE issue with players that whisper to me with an attitude demanding that I give them a certain buff, and implying that I'm not doing my job as a pally. Either one of two things will happen if you do this, one you'll get the buff and a crude warning to curb your attitude or two you won't get crap from me but a /rude gesture. Now however if you were to whisper me, like a fellow guildie did tonight and explain nicely that you benefit from kings more then might, then I will be more then happy to comply with your request with a new buff and a =).
That is why I like when I raid with my guild because we all pretty well know who is giving what buff and it makes things so much easier and stress free. So my advice for any 10 or 25 man raid would be this, in addition to healing assignments and tank duties and what not please make sure it is known who is giving what buff because it makes things go so much faster and smoother because there is nothing more annoying then to be running in to fight and hearing someone over vent still complaining about not getting a certain buff, it makes me want to do a situation # 10 which is bubble, hearth and leave party.
Its common courtesy, if we can have it in real life we can have it in WOW to.
Yes I understand that buffing is an important part of every raid, heroic, what not. Thats why I make it a point to say in every group I'm in where there is more then one pally that I give Blessing of Might. It is the one buff that I use at all times so I naturally am usually the one giving it out to others. What annoys me more then anything though, is when I'm in a group with more then four pallys and not everyone is getting all the buffs. Granted I usually only give might to melee cause I have yet to come across a caster who screams out for might, if they ever did I surely would give it to them after I got over the shock. But for people to not be handing out Blessings of Kings is just crazy. That is one buff that anyone can benefit from, and yet it is the one that seems to be missing on at least a handful of people. Also I have a HUGE issue with players that whisper to me with an attitude demanding that I give them a certain buff, and implying that I'm not doing my job as a pally. Either one of two things will happen if you do this, one you'll get the buff and a crude warning to curb your attitude or two you won't get crap from me but a /rude gesture. Now however if you were to whisper me, like a fellow guildie did tonight and explain nicely that you benefit from kings more then might, then I will be more then happy to comply with your request with a new buff and a =).
That is why I like when I raid with my guild because we all pretty well know who is giving what buff and it makes things so much easier and stress free. So my advice for any 10 or 25 man raid would be this, in addition to healing assignments and tank duties and what not please make sure it is known who is giving what buff because it makes things go so much faster and smoother because there is nothing more annoying then to be running in to fight and hearing someone over vent still complaining about not getting a certain buff, it makes me want to do a situation # 10 which is bubble, hearth and leave party.
Its common courtesy, if we can have it in real life we can have it in WOW to.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
ZOMG...Firesong the Tank

When I first got duel specialization, I spec'ed into healing but after a few heroic's I realized that healing just wasn't my thing so I shelled out some gold unlearned my holy talents and went tank. Slowly but surely with the help of fellow guild members I was able to build my tank gear up and finally get defense capped. The first heroic I ever tanked was mind blowing, I'm not usually a nervous person but I was for that, luckily I ran with fellow guild members so it was an awesome experience and having darth along to help was quite a learning experience. Then about a week ago Honor and Glory made a Naxx 10 run and I was asked to OT. Oh my goodness I was a nervous wreck, half way in I had pretty well gnawed my fingernails down to the quick ( which is rahful cause I'm not a nail bitter lol) but as time went on I became more comfortable and thus more confident and when we ended the raid, I was told by fellow guildies that I had done a decent job for my first attempt as an OT in Naxx.
I've been Ret from lvl 1, its what I know and am comfortable with, so getting use to tanking is going to take a little bit but eventually it will become like second nature. I have nothing but respect for tanks and healers cause I've done both, and I know from heroics that I've done as dps it is usually either the tanks are the healers that get blamed for a wipe, which isn't always the case and people need to stop the finger pointing when it comes to wiping. I know as I get more confident in my tanking and start doing more heroics at sometime I'm going to be blamed for a wipe, whether it be because I didn't maintain aggro, or I didn't get aggro fast enough...blah...blah...blah, lucky for me I don't take things personally and I'm pretty laid back so negativity really doesn't effect me.
My personal opinion is this, being a dps is easy that's why there are some many dps in the game. Every raid or instance I've ever ran dps was easy to find, it was only tanks and healers that were hard to come by. As a tank you have to constantly make sure all the aggro is on you, because if you lose it for even a split second it could mean a dps or a healer going down. You have to know the ends and out of a fight, how to position a boss just right or where to kite when need be for lack of a better word you have to be the leader. And to all the people who say holding aggro should be easy believe me its not and people who have never been a tank shouldn't make assumptions on things they don't know. Then you have healers, who in my opinion have the hardest job in the group. They have to keep the tanks up, and also make sure that the dps are getting healed as well. I don't know how many times I've heard, "I died because the healer sucked," or "How hard is it to get a heal off." First off its not as easy as you think, in worse case senerios if a tank and a dps are getting ready to die, 10 times out of 10 the healer is going to keep the tank up, dps needs to understand this. Also there is Line of Sight, when I would heal I would get so frustrated when a heal wouldn't go off because the target was out of line of sight and no matter how often I would try to explain this to people in my group they just won't listen, so most of the time they got a free trip to the grave yard. Healing can be stopped through stuns, silence, and interrupts and even the most epic healer is not going to be able t save everyone.
I can honestly say in all the time I've been playing I have never once blamed a wipe on healers, tanks, or dps. The way I look at a wipe is this, shit happens you get up you dust yourself off and you get back in there. Wipes are learning experiences and if you don't like them then you shouldn't be playing this game. First and fore most this is just a game for me, I don't get mad about wipes, or if I don't have the winning roll on a piece of gear (hello I rocked pvp shoulders forever and never once did I get mad about the shoulders I didn't get) and I don't get pissy if I'm not picked for a raid. I'm here to have fun and make people laugh. Thats just me.
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