Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Leaving Honor and Glory

Tonight I made the decision to leave Honor and Glory, it wasn't the easiest decision due to the fact that I wouldn't have most of the gear I have if it wasn't for them plus I made a lot of friends in that guild. My main reason for going was Amorgan. As stated in older post we have been partners in crime since lvl one and even though I'm loyal to any guild I am in, my main loyalty is to him not only because he is my husband but because he is my wow partner, if not for him I would of never started playing wow. Amorgan had his own reason's for leaving none of which I'm going to get in to because that is his business.

Both Amorgan and I decided to join the guild Deathgrip, they are like a second family to us and we get along really good with most of their players so it was a no brainer that, that is where we would go. Unfortunately our joining them brought about a lot of anger from the guild master of Honor and Glory and lines where drawn and eventually crossed. Which is not at all what amorgan or I wanted. I thought I had left H&G under good terms, so I was surprised when retaliation followed. All I can say is even after all that I harbor no hard feelings towards anyone. WoW is and always will be just a game for me, I started playing to have fun and that is all and I can tell I will have loads of laughs in Deathgrip which in the end I value more then t8 gear.

So here is to Deathgrip and the good times to follow.

1 comment:

  1. No hard feelings here... just lemme know whenever you guys are looking for a 5th, or 10th, or whatever =)
