Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Things You Might of Missed

In my last blog I detailed my reasons for leaving Honor and Glory...yes I know I have neglected my little blog and for that I am sorry. In the time since I last wrote a lot of stuff has changed. The major one being that Amorgan and I are no longer apart of Deathgrip. Hard feelings arose between amorgan and another player and he opted to leave, I followed shortly after due to the main fact, that to me this is a game. It is something I do to have fun, so I have a huge problem when a person who will remain nameless takes things to a personal lvl and begins not only insulting the player's toon but the real life person who they know nothing about. For the first time in my WoW playing history, I wanted to reach through the computer and literally choke the crap out of someone. My anger that night reached an all time high and I unleashed a tongue lashing that I nor that person will soon forget. I want it to be known that I am severly protective of those that I love and to hear someone bad mouthing my husband who has served his country and put his life on the line to protect our freedom just sent me over the edge. Now that being said, while I have cut ties with certain memebers of deathgrip there are still others who I remain in touch with and will still continue to help out whenever I can.

After being guildless for a few days, Amorgan and I decided to form our own guild, which is simply titled . We are both very proud of this guild and look forward to helping other players get there toons to 80 and then helping them get gear.

Also I have been hard at work lvling my other toons, I now have a lvl 64 DK, a lvl 34 Mage, and a lvl 20 Warlock. I have been busting my butt trying to get them all lvled as soon as possible. My theory, quest with one intill they go in the purple on exp gain, then switch to another and repeat. It works wonderfully for me I can usually get 2-3 lvls on a toon before I have to rest them and switch.

And speaking of questing, there has been a handful of people who have joined and then left because they were not being constantly ran through instances. So I am going to share my opinion on this. Running instances are great for getting equipment upgrades and for some exp. But if you want to lvl your toon questing is and always will be the fastest way to do it. Having an 80 run a lower lvl through an instance a few times is just insane, for one your not going to get the same exp as you would if you just went with a group of people the same lvl, and yes you might lvl but its not going to be as fast as you would think, you want fast lvling go to a place pick up all the quest and go do them all, then come back and turn them in and you would be suprised at just how fast you shoot through a lvl. This is just my opinion though, and there are those who would disagree and thats cool, opinions are like assholes everyones got one.

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