Thursday, September 24, 2009

Firesong Has Left the Building

Well the time has come to say my goodbyes. You don't always get to say everything you want in the game so I am going to do it here. The last 8 months have been awesome, despite all the spats and misunderstandings I have enjoyed playing the game of WoW. I have been fortunate enough to meet a lot of wonderful people that I consider to be friends and I will miss all of them during my time away from WoW. So for the time being this blog will take on a different purpose, it will become a way for me to keep in touch with those that I have become close to and hopefully others that drop in every now and then to just say sup! I wish you all the best of luck in the months to come.

*Special Goodbye* goes out to Hazl, who if I remember correctly wasn't on when I logged, I look forward to learning the Holy ropes from you when I start to play again oh great one =). Oh and since I never got around to it, you should so make that King me baby Macro, cause it was a rocking idea.

There is a tradition in my family, that when it comes to saying goodbye we also share an Irish blessing, whether it be family or friends, it is one that I take very seriously so here it goes, most of you will probably know this blessing,

"May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the hollow of his hand."

Peace out everyone


1 comment:

  1. What can I say...less than 24 hours in SATED and you both taking hiatus has left a hole. I promise to keep your seats warm, and when you get back,we'll be rocking out 25's like no ones business.
